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  • One of his professors, composer Walter Piston, recommended he work with famed teacher Nadia Boulanger.

    Elliott Carter's Century Of Music 2008

  • One of his professors, composer Walter Piston, recommended he work with famed teacher Nadia Boulanger.

    Elliott Carter's Century Of Music 2008

  • One of his professors, composer Walter Piston, recommended he work with famed teacher Nadia Boulanger.

    Elliott Carter's Century Of Music 2008

  • Carter also studied with Gustav Holst and Walter Piston at Harvard and, like many American composers, went to Paris to meet with Nadia Boulanger, who told him to write music "where every note counts."

    News 2011

  • After a conservatory musical education with composer-teachers like Walter Piston and Roger Sessions, he became increasingly interested in complex rhythms and headed off into musical territory that was completely his own, although as : Breaking News 2010

  • That a composer in midcareer like Schuman was taking charge of major American cultural institutions vindicated the credo of a roster of older American composers: Copland, Virgil Thomson, Roy Harris, Roger Sessions and Walter Piston - the "commando squad," as Thomson called them.

    NYT > Home Page By ANTHONY TOMMASINI 2010

  • Joseph Fuchs (1899-1997) became a major force in American violin pedagogy and chamber music ensemble, even commissioning the Second Violin Concerto by Walter Piston.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2009

  • In 1956 Herbie Nichols wrote, "Sometimes I burst into laughter when I think of what the future jazzists will be able to accomplish," citing Hector Villa-Lobos, Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith, Dimitri Shostakovich, Walter Piston and Béla Bartók as his own inspirations.

    Articles - JazzTimes 2009

  • Cain: Many Voters Won't Be 'Turned Off' by Sexual Harassment Claims Blue America Welcomes Joe Miklosi D-CO-- Blue Collar Fighting Spirit Newstalgia Weekend Gramophone - Walter Piston - Symphony No. 3 - Premier - 1948.

    Crooks and Liars Jared Shade Reynolds 2011

  • By: David Neiwert On Tue, 05/24/2011 - 13:00 Los Angeles San Onofre Nuke Plant Declares Level 3 Emergency Over Ammonia Leak Blue America Welcomes Joe Miklosi D-CO-- Blue Collar Fighting Spirit Newstalgia Weekend Gramophone - Walter Piston - Symphony No. 3 - Premier - 1948.

    Crooks and Liars Susie Madrak 2011


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